12 March, 2007

Pointing students towards useful resources on a subject

We've looked at a lot of ways that web feeds can be used by yourself and your students to keep track of information on topics. This has included supplying students with OPML reading lists of blogs and web sites that they could quickly and easily subscribe to.

Another way that you could supply students with a selected range of sites to explore would be to create a Google 'Custom Search Engine'.

You'll need to create a Google account, and then you can add a list of sites related to your subject that students might find useful. Of course they could still search the internet in the regular way, but this could help them by focusing their search initially.

Once you have created the search engine, you can add all the sites from an OPML file (perhaps downloaded from your Bloglines account) to it and then delete those that are not relevant.

I created one that searches some useful learning technology sites:

Try searching on a technology like blogs or podcasts, to see if there are any articles that interest you.

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