25 April, 2007

Setting up a Webcam Feed

You may want to set up a webcam up so that people can watch a live event, or watch something develop over time.

This is a very easy thing to do with just a webcam and Windows Media Encoder software, which you'll probably have on your PC anyway.

There are simple instructions on Tech.Blorge.com which will talk you through setting up the feed from Windows Media Encoder.

We set up a FishCam(TM) below to demonstrate. For the next few days you will be able to check the 'Grow Your Own Fish' demo, running in my office. Be amazed as the fish grows!

Jake Ludington's MediaBlab blog supplied the code to set the above viewer up if you want to set one up yourself.

If you cannot see the FishCam pilot (and note that it'll be a bit hard to see at night):

-Open 'Windows Media Player'.
-If you cannot see the menus, right-click the top bar and Choose 'File' > 'Open URL'.
-Type in:

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